Central Washington University Science Building II
NEXUS was hired by Central Washington University (CWU) to provide consultation, inspections and testing for the new Science Building II the CWU campus in Ellensburg, Washington. NEXUS’ involvement during the construction phase of this project included providing on-site air barrier inspections through multiple site visits at key air barrier installation milestones. The Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) mandates that a whole building air leakage test be performed on the installed air barrier prior to building occupancy.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Protocol for air leakage testing, which incorporates ASTM E779 and C1060, is the basis and model for the WSEC and was followed as indicated in the code. The building was tested under both pressurization and depressurization with an average leakage rate of 0.254cfm/sf @ 75Pa achieved, 1/3 below the WSEC maximum leakage rate of 0.40cfm/sf. The infrared survey located only minor areas of air leakage to be remedied.
Project Summary
Central Washington University
Installation Observations, Whole Building Air Barrier Testing
Ellensburg, WA
Project Gallery