Looking to increase your company's knowledge base? Good, because we bring the learning to you. Less formal and more interactive than traditional training events, our topics cover a variety of AIA accredited subjects.
Earn 1 AIA LU and/or HSW per lunch and learn session.
NEXUS has conducted training seminars for architects, contractors, Building Department officials, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), and the US Army Corp of Engineers on all aspects of building envelope design, installation and testing nationwide.

Proper Air Barrier Design and Testing
This course will discuss the WHAT, WHY, and HOW of Air Barrier Design and Testing. We will cover the different components that go into a Whole Building Air Barrier System and why having an Air Barrier is a critical element of the envelope that directly affects the health and comfort of the building occupants. In today’s market of high efficiency and increased thermal performance requirements, it’s just good design.

Air Barrier Design Detailing
Air Barriers are becoming more prevalent in our industry as owners start to see their benefits and jurisdictions now require them. Air Barrier design is a detailed endeavor that requires the designer to have a high technical understanding of material properties and compatibility. This presentation will define critical terms and outline the variables involved in Air Barrier material selection and detailing.

Thermal Performance: Modeling and Thermal Bridging
An efficient thermal envelope is only as good as its weakest link. Thermal bridges short-circuit insulation and quickly diminish the effectiveness of a thermal envelope. Repetitive thermal bridging will render insulation ineffective, and localized thermal bridging can cause condensation and moisture issues inside framing cavities or on the interior of a building. This course will look at common thermal bridging details, the issues associated with them, and detailing options to correct the problem. We will also review a couple case studies where thermal modeling was used to assess the effect of thermal bridging on an assembly as a whole and at isolated details.

Window Design and Selection
Windows are an important part of any project and selecting windows can be a tricky endeavor for any seasoned architect. There are many factors to consider when specifying windows, including cost, performance requirements of the owner, and minimum performance requirements in the IBC. This presentation will outline the basic code requirements and explain how to properly select, specify, and review submittals for windows to ensure that they meet the requirements set out for the project.

Washington State Energy Code Envelope Requirements
The Washington State Energy Code has a big impact on the design of our buildings but is frequently overlooked or misunderstood. Like any code, it can be difficult to follow and at times open to interpretation. This course will review and explain the envelope requirements outlined in the WSEC, including new air barrier testing requirements and how to navigate the compliance website.

Vapor Barriers and Water Content in Walls
Water attacks our buildings in many forms, and while most designers understand how to detail for bulk or liquid water, water vapor management still proves to be a topic that confuses even the most experienced Architects. The problem is often compounded by use of newer construction materials with physical properties that are not properly understood. This presentation will discuss the science behind vapor transmission and how to avoid condensation in your wall assemblies.